... so what are we going to do? 1 Samuel 17: (NLT2) “Then Goliath, a Philistine champion from Gath, came out of the Philistine ranks to face the forces of Israel. He was over nine feet tall!” We all have to admit that Goliath, a nine-feet tall giant, is a large enemy and that he is the ultimate warrior. Just his coat of mail weighed 125 pounds. This is a foe that Israel had not anticipated and obviously had not asked for but there he was right in front of them taunting and challenging them. I think we all can admit that this Covid 19 is a giant that is coming against the United States and the World. Obviously we did not ask for or anticipate that we would be where we are today with this virus. Many are fearing, even those in the church, and my job today is to bring calm in the storm. How can we face this giant?
1. Realize family may not be on your side. David has been sent by his father to take food down to the battle lines where his brothers are fighting (supposedly) and to bring back a report. Anytime you try to do something great for God, there is a good chance there will be family there to try to stop you in your tracks. This was not David’s first run-in with his brother. What are you going to do when there is a giant in front of you and you believe God wants you to take it out? Your family opposes you. David could stand against his brother because he knew he was doing the will of his father. He knew his father had sent him. Before we try to slay this giant that is before us we must know that our God, our Father, has sent us and we are being obedient to what He is directing us to do.
2. Realize leaders may not see what is in you. How desperate was Israel for someone to take care of Goliath? How desperate are we for someone to take care of Covid 19? Israel was so worried that they sent a young shepherd boy to the king.David has already had to get past family who were discouraging him and doubting him and now the leadership is telling him he can’t beat Goliath. There is no way you can win. I love David’s response. Whether it was a bear or a lion, when they came after the sheep something rose up in me. You see he had been spending time, not just watching sheep, but worshiping God and praying. This is the time for the church to shine.
3. Goliath wants to take you out but you kill him. David has already had to overcome the attacks of family, he had to overcome the lack of faith from leadership, and now he is faced with Goliath. Goliath says, “Am I a dog?” Yep! But you are not going to roll over and play dead, you are going to roll over and be dead. Our enemy comes against us with fear, sickness, and confusion but we come against him in the Name that is above every name…the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Every knee will bow. The Lord will conquer Goliath!