Sunday, August 23, 2020

Today we will see how God...

...can take a hungry man and his entire family from normal to supernatural. As I continue reading through the Book of Acts I see this theme over and over where God is taking someone or a group of people from the normal to the supernatural. This was true of Cornelius. He was evidently an incredible person. He was a leader (a centurion), he was a family man, he was devout and God fearing, he was generous, and he was a man of prayer. Let’s see he and his family’s transformation. 

1. For Cornelius to go from normal to supernatural he must be born again. Let me ask all of us here today, was Cornelius born again according to God’s Standard, the Word of God? Look again at our text: Acts 10:2 (NIV) “He and all his family were devout and God-fearing; he gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly.” Many people pray (I did before I got saved) but are not right with God. Many people acknowledge there is a God (so do demons and they tremble), and many people are generous but they are not saved. Cornelius had so much going for him and he even had a desire to know this God in a more intimate way. This is why God thru an angel had him to send for Peter. No other Name but Jesus for salvation. Cornelius needed Jesus just like we needed Jesus to be saved. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life!

2. For Cornelius to go from normal to supernatural he needed a Gentile Pentecost. God is always looking for people who are hungry and thirsty for Him and who are desiring more of Him and His presence! Cornelius wanted all God had for him. He received more than he could even imagine. He found out Jesus was to be Lord and Savior. He also, was baptized in Holy Spirit power! Can you imagine the witness he became?

3. Cornelius wanted even more. After salvation and Holy Spirit baptism Cornelius followed the Lord in water baptism. He wanted to identify with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection. And they wanted even more…They asked Peter to stay a few days! So hungry for more! They wanted to go from normal to supernatural! More, Lord!


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