...The Joy of Discovering Hidden Treasure. Matthew 13:44 (NKJV) "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” Imagine with me a Hebrew man walking along with staff in hand headed to the city for business, and to save time, he cuts through a field. This was permitted. The field is uneven so he thrust his staff into the dirt to balance himself. He keeps walking and thrusting the staff into the ground when all of a sudden there is a thunk. Didn’t sound like a rock. He bends down curiously and begins to wipe away dirt and he sees a box. It looks like it has been there a long time. Hands shaking, he finally unlocks the chest. Gold and silver coins, jewelry, precious stones. A fortune! Some wealthy man must have buried it quickly when he was in danger and then, died before he returned to get it. The landowner evidently has no clue it is there. The law of the day was specific, whoever owned the field assumed ownership of everything in it. But how can I afford a big piece of property like this? I will sell everything!
1. The Bible and Our Connection to Money. This parable of the hidden treasure is just one of many references Jesus made to money and possessions. Jesus referenced 15% of His teaching to this topic. More than the topics of heaven and hell combined. Randy Alcorn says “Our approach to money and possessions is central to our spiritual lives.” Zacchaeus, New Testament believers, and the rich young rulers are just a few examples of our connection to Jesus and money. Maybe you have forgotten this but even one of our Distinctives as a church is Generous Giving.
2. Smart or Stupid. Watch this…the rich young man wasn’t willing to give up everything for a greater treasure, and the traveler in the field was. Why? Because the traveler understood what he would gain. Key – If we miss the part of the verse where it says “for joy” he sells everything he has. This was not begrudging sacrifice; it was him being a joyful giver. Lord, help us!
3. A Treasure Mentality and Principle. Jesus doesn’t just tell us where not to put our treasure, He also gives us the best investment advice ever, “Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” Alcorn said, “Anything we try to hang on to here will be lost. But anything we put in God’s hands will be ours for eternity. If that doesn’t take your breath away, you don’t understand it.” Where is your treasure and where is your heart?
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