Sunday, October 25, 2020

Today we continue talking about Revival Praying...

... and how that prayer can make a difference in us and those around us. James 5:16 (NLT2) The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. Something that has always bothered me as a follower of Christ is when I hear believers boast about their position in Christ and speak so much of their privileges because of that. I am a king’s kid, I am a son of God or daughter of God, I am wealthy, I am healthy, I am seated in high places, I am lifted up with Jesus, I am, I am, I am. How many of you know there is only one Great I am? I see a contrast is Scripture that shows me a different attitude about who we are and the more I study it, the more I believe it has an impact on our prayers. 

1. The scum of the earth. 1 Corinthians 4:13 (NIV) “Up to this moment we have become the scum of the earth, the refuse of the world.” So what is the scum of the earth? The scum of the earth is neither humanity nor of devils. It is not bad but good. No, not even good, but the very best. It is not material but spiritual, not of Satan but of God. Not only of the church but a group of believers. The apostle Paul was saying we apostles are the refuse of the world. Evidently, Paul had not read the latest self-help book on positive confession. 

2. The least of the apostles. 1 Corinthians 15:9 (NKJV) “For I am the least of the apostles, who am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.” Could there possibly be any connection between Paul’s humility (how he saw himself) and how he was so tremendously used by God? I definitely think so. His humility motivated him to serve God and work harder. 

3. Esteem God and others above yourself. Philippians 2:3 (NKJV) Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. “ Dr. Duke and I were talking a few weeks back about how the Word of God will show us patterns if we are willing to look for them and discern them. I see a pattern here in Philippians. Put Jesus first and be like Jesus. Put others next. Esteem others better than yourself. Humble yourself before God. Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Jesus. Let God be the One Who exalts you. Good instruction for those who want to do Revival Praying!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

In James 5:16-18 (NLT2) “The earnest prayer...

... of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. Elijah was as human as we are, and yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for three and a half years! Then, when he prayed again, the sky sent down rain and the earth began to yield its crops.” Today we begin this new series “Revival Praying” and I hope this is exactly what Life Church will begin to do. Anyone with their eyes opened can see our world is in a mess. The kind of revival I am talking about takes a church takes the church in its grasp and refuses to let go until every last ounce of sin and self has been squeezed out. There is nothing pacifying about revival. Revival is not a season to be jolly. It’s not celebration or festivity. The church in revival is faced with the anguish of unforgiven sin.  Like Isaiah of old the church cries out “Undone”. The question is not “Where is the God of Elijah? Where are the Elijahs of God?”

1. Elijahs of God. James tells us that Elijah was human or of like passions as we are but we are not like him obviously when it comes to praying and seeking God. He and God stand together as a majority against a wicked nation, against a wicked king, and a wicked Jezebel. We think we can’t make a difference in the mess today but we can if we pray. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)
14  if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

 2. Stand in the Gap. So many times we think we have it worse now than any time in history but Elijah was raised up at a time when darkness covered the land. So what did God do? Ezekiel 22:30 (NKJV) “So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.”

3. Stand in the Gap and Pray. The secret to praying is praying in secret. If we are not praying, we are playing with the future of our kids and grandkids. I love the song…The Blessing but we have to pray for that to happened. Future generations will only be blessed if we will stand in the gap and pray for revival.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

In Acts 19:11-15 (NKJV) “Now God worked unusual miracles...

... by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them. Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists took it upon themselves to call the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, "We exorcise you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches." Also there were seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who did so. And the evil spirit answered and said, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?" This evil spirit teaches us that there are people in the church whose names are known because of their Holy Spirit power. Do demons know your name? Today we look at:               

1. Unusual Miracles. Handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched Paul’s body brought healing. That’s unusual. People brought out sick people so that Peter’s shadow might fall on them. The implication was they were healed. Unusual power manifested. We have a ways to go to get there.

2. Evil spirits know. Acts 19:15 (NKJV) “And the evil spirit answered and said, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?" Pastor Rick, do demons know what I am thinking? No, but they don’t have to, they can just watch what you are doing and know how to tempt you. So powerful what the demon said, Jesus I know and Paul I know but who are you? Let me ask you today, who are you? 

3. True repentance. People heard that the evil spirit acknowledged Jesus and Paul and great fear fell on the area. God, do it again! Jesus was magnified! People came confessing their sins. This is revival! Then, they brought the things in their homes that were offensive to God and the gospel. Get rid of the junk in your house that opens the door to sin. Some of you may need to get rid of Net-Flix, movies, access to God cursing movies, and even alcohol. There is a reason alcohol has been called spirits for years. So the Word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed. Repentance leads to revival! Psalm 85:6 (NKJV) “Will You not revive us again?”

In James 5:16 (NLT2) “The earnest prayer of a righteous person... (Part 2)

... has great power and produces wonderful results.” Today we continue our series on Revival Praying and tonight we continue to gather to pray. Please do not try to convince me of your concern for America if you are not willing to pray. James points out that whatever your need is, sincere prayer is the answer. Whether it is hardships, sickness, or the ravages of sin. Our prayer has great power and wonderful results. Let’s look at prayer:

1. Approaching God in prayer. Jude 1:20-21 (NKJV) “But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.” You see, how you approach God is so important. Here is something to think about. The secret of praying is praying in secret. What you do in your private life speaks volumes of your desire to approach God. We act like with God similar to the kid who rings the doorbell and runs away before the door is opened. How many undiscovered blessings are forfeited because we do not tarry with God and pray? 

2. Prayer as vast as God is. Prayer is as vast as God. Why? Because He is the One behind it making it happen. Prayer is so mighty because God has committed Himself to answering when we call on Him. It has been said that the reason Jesus will have to wipe away tears from our eyes at the Judgment Seat of Christ will be because of our small prayers in light of His greatness.

3. Revival praying birthed by love. If John Knox had prayed, “Give me success.” We may not have heard of him but he prayed a self-sacrificing prayer. John Knox – Give me Scotland, or I die! Only prayer motivated by love will change this sin hungry world. We need a prayer hungry church that will stay in God’s presence until things change. Pray without ceasing!