Sunday, September 30, 2018

We have been speaking about...

... you being the change you want to see. As we have mentioned: Sometimes good leaders have to make decisions. Here are some simple steps in making good and informed decisions.
A. Approach decision making with humility.  Understand that good decisions are made when a highly committed team, with a selection of perspectives, life experiences and personalities come together for the good of the team. Proverbs 15:22 (NLT) 22  Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success. 

B. Ask “What if” to identify alternative solutions.  Keep asking the question until you have exhausted all possibilities.

C. Evaluate alternatives that are given and identify the ones best for the team and organization. 

D. Choose a plan and go with it with all your heart. People are watching to see your confidence or lack of it.

E. Communicate the decision and the plan of action. More information is better than less.

F. Execute the decision and plan with excellence. More failure in business results from good decisions executed poorly than from poor decisions. 

G. At some point, evaluate the decision and make any necessary adjustments.  No decision will be completely perfect.  The goal is to make the decision right, not for you to always be right.

Great leaders inspire other leaders.

A. Communicate your vision.  

B. Offer encouragement and support.  People want to know that what they are doing matters.

C. Challenge people to go beyond their perceived limits. Never settle for where you are; keep raising the bar and asking people to stretch their thinking and creativity.

D. Set reachable, measureable goals. People want to know how well they are doing.  Are we reaching our Missions goals and going beyond them? Are we really growing to one thousand?

E. Get out of the way.  Trust your team and let them execute the vision.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

We all have to realize...

... at some point that leadership matters…it should matter to you and it obviously will matter to those who you are trying to lead. General George S. Patton said, “We heard sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people.  Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.” There is a big difference in being a leader and being the person in charge.  There are people who are in leadership positions who try to herd or drive people…Moses really did not know what to do. Though they fill a position as leader, they are not truly filling the position of leader.  Real leaders have the ability to inspire people to follow a movement or a cause. 

1. Let us look at the qualities of good leaders. T. J. Addington said, “Positional authority is based on one’s position and responsibility in the workplace.  Personal authority is the standing I have with others because of my behavior, values, treatment of others, and morality…what is interesting is that it is possible to have positional authority without personal authority.” Let’s look at six qualities of authentic leaders.
A. You must be teachable.  To be a great leader you must have a teachable spirit and a willingness to always be learning.  Being a good listener will help you learn.
B. You must be perceptive.  Strive to look beyond your own little world and show genuine concern for those you lead. Be concerned about their lives outside your specific work context.
C. You must invest emotionally in the team.  You are only as important as the team who surrounds you. Showing appreciation for good feedback and asking their opinions will build loyalty.
D. You must set the right example.  Model the way.  If you want those around you to care, to be excited about what they are doing, and to be appreciative, you must behave in the same manner.
E. You must be honest.  Be real with people and be honest with them.  Transparency tells them that you trust them.
F. You must be sincere.  Be who God created you to be and be the best you possible with His help. Tell the truth and invest in others and you will earn ultimate super power…respect.
2. Sometimes good leaders have to make decisions. Understand that good decisions are made when a highly committed team, with a selection of perspectives, life experiences and personalities come together for the good of the team.  
3. Great leaders inspire other leaders. Communicate your vision.  Those who will help the organization the most are those who align themselves with the vision and mission that has been set forth. Life Church is a Missions Church. We have to learn to delegate and then get out of the way.  I tell my staff and leaders that if I have to watch over you…I have the wrong person leading.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

I believe we all want...

... to make a difference…I believe Gideon wanted to make a difference but he could not see how it would be possible…he said the world is a mess and my family is the weakest around. Our weaknesses may not be the same and our excuses for not doing something for God may not even come close to Gideon’s but the time to be the change you want to see is now. Stephen Covey  says, “The key is taking responsibility and initiative, deciding what your life is about, and prioritizing your life around the most important things.” Rob Ketterling  says, “Those who lead with intentionality and purpose can inspire people to do more than they thought possible.” John Maxwell says, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”
1. Real leaders know the way. John 14:6 (NLT) 6  Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” Sadly many people do rise to their level of incompetence, we do not have to be those people. Real leaders not only see the future, they have specific strategies in place for taking themselves and their organizations into the future. Our key here at Life Church is Holy Spirit.
2. Real leaders go the way. 1 Corinthians 11:1 (NKJV) 1  Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. This is leadership by example…leaders should not be afraid to step out in faith first. They do not ask people to do what they are not willing to do themselves. Be excellent in everything you do. Do what you say you will do.
Make people important. Encourage cooperation. Deal with conflict quickly. Invest in others.

3. Real leaders show the way. Our job is to show people how to be connected and not to be so discouraged by someone else’s success.  Be thankful others are stepping up and carrying the load. John Maxwell says, “Leadership is influence…nothing more…nothing less.” All of us need to ask the question…Would you follow you?