Sunday, March 20, 2022

Today let’s look at this phrase in our text...

 ...we have been using for the last couple of months: Hebrews 12:1(NKJV)  “let us lay aside every weight.” Today I want us really think about the phrase “let us lay aside every weight”. We will be looking at one of Paul’s amazing adventures and how God came through for him. In Acts 27, as Paul was being transported by ship as a prisoner to Rome, a great storm arises and was so great that death to the almost 300 souls on board was imminent. Life Church, I cannot promise you things will not get worse than they are now but I can tell you that you can trust the God we serve. 

1. When All Hope is Lost.

--Have you ever been there? Things are bad and you cry out to God and they get worse. It appears the enemy has you bound, tied up, and on your way for more trouble. Now you are in the storm of your life. It could not get worse but it does. You’re cold, hungry, and fearful. Please never forget God’s way may be in the sea. Say what? The will of God may be thru turbulent waters and a rough sea. What seems like it might kill you may be salvation for you or someone else. Psalm 77:19 (NKJV) Your way was in the sea, Your path in the great waters.” I know you will be surprised by this but I see missions in this story. His way, His will may be through the sea so that people can hear the gospel for the first time.

2. Unusual Kindness, a Fire, and Being Welcomed. Acts 28:2 (NKJV) “And the natives showed us unusual kindness; for they kindled a fire and made us all welcome, because of the rain that was falling and because of the cold.” The natives kindled a fire – after everything they had been through in the sea, these prisoners needed a warm place. Don’t you think people need church to be a warm place. The natives made them feel welcome. Do you have the kind of spirit that makes people feel welcome or are you the kind of person who pushes people away? The natives showed them unusual kindness. I love what this is saying. They showed up uninvited and left debris all along their shore line but they treated them with unusual kindness. People are used to being treated rude and disrespectful by the world. Do you just believe if we treat everyone with unusual kindness, we might be able to lead them to Christ?

3. Shake It Off! Paul was gathering sticks for the fire and a viper fastened on to him. What did he do? Panic? Die? No, he shook it off into the fire! Our God is a consuming fire. Whatever has fastened onto you, shake it off into the fire! Lay aside every weight! Shake it off into the fire! Shake it off, Life Church!

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